Notepad++ shortcut comment
Notepad++ shortcut comment

notepad++ shortcut comment notepad++ shortcut comment

In the right pane, create a String value (REG_SZ) named Icon.To do so, select this parent key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Notepad++ Optionally, you can assign an icon for the context menu item."C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "%1" Type the full path to Notepad++.exe, followed by a %1 with double-quotes.With the command key selected, double-click the (default) value in the right pane.Under Open with Notepad++, create a subkey named command.You may also use Edit with Notepad++ if you so prefer. Take care that you have also deleted the existing keybinding CTRL-G for the goto line command somewhere under the Main menu Tab.The key name you type here will show up in the right-click menu. add the additional shortcut: goto Settings -> Shortcut mapper: somewhere under the Plugins tab, you will find the Name that you have saved the script, here OpenFindDlg.restart Notepad++, so get this setting activated.Click Add/Modify, you want to get a new entry in the list area on the left, see screenshot:.give it a menu entry under Item name: e.g, OpenFindDlg.Select OpenFindDlg under Associated script.Go to Plugins -> NppExec -> Advanced OpenFindDlg, you create such a script by Plugins -> NppExec -> Execute., enter the script and click Save. create a npp_exec script with this content: NPP_SENDMSG WM_COMMAND IDM_SEARCH_FIND, save it, e.g.install npp_exec, you find it in the plugin manager and restart notepad++.It also offers a (little hidden) way for assigning shortcuts for these scripts. It offers to create small automation-scripts and we can add these scripts to the menu. One way I can think of is by the very useful npp_exec plugin. We need a way to add a second find dialog. Notepad++ does not offers this out of the box. Here is how you can add a second keybinding to the find dialog.

Notepad++ shortcut comment